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  1. Understanding Low Voltage and Battery Requirements for DC Thrusters, Motors, and Solenoids

    Understanding Low Voltage and Battery Requirements for DC Thrusters, Motors, and Solenoids

    In electrical systems involving DC motors—specifically in applications like DC thrusters from Vetus—and solenoids, low voltage can lead to operational inefficiencies and even permanent damage. DC thrusters, like other motors, are particularly sensitive to voltage drops, inadequate wiring, and insufficient power supply.

    Additionally, Vetus thrusters are equipped with built-in thermal protection (a thermo switch) that automatically cuts off operation if the motor gets too warm. This feature helps prevent overheating and extends the life of the motor, but it's still crucial to avoid conditions that could trigger the thermal switch, such as low voltage caused by faulty wiring or improper battery selection.

    This article explores the causes of

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  2. Vetus Diesel Brændstofkvalitet og biodiesel

    Vi får ofte spørgsmål om, hvilken diesel der skal bruges i Vetus Diesel motorer og om der kan bruges biodiesel eller diesel tilsat biodiesel.
    Dette er beskrevet i din motormanual, men her er de anbefalinger, der gælder 01.11.2022

    Brug kun dieselbrændstof eller dieselblandinger med op til 7 % FAME (B7), med mindre
    end 0,5 % svovlindhold, hvoraf kvaliteten er fuldt kontrolleret og overholder nedenstående standarder.

    Følgende brændstofspecifikationer/standarder er godkendt:

    • CEN EN 590:2009
    • ASTM D975-09

    Brug ikke brændstof med mere end 1 % svovl!
    Cetantallet skal være mindst 49.

    De udstødningsemissionsniveauer, der bestemmes under certificering af tilsynsmyndigheden, er altid baseret på det referencebrændstof, der er beskrevet ved lov. Disse brændstoffer matcher dieselbrændstofferne, som er i overensstemmelse med CEN EN 590 og ASTM D 975. Emissionsniveau

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  3. BowPro installation guide: how to select the right bowthruster, battery bank and control panels.

    Vetus video with information on how to selcet to select a bowthruster?

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  4. Vetus Marine Batteries - new informativ video - how to extend your ships battery life

    Vetus Marine Batteries - new informativ video - how to extend your ships battery life

    Vetus Marine batteries are designed for use in the boat. The batteries are therefore designed for the varying use as well as seasonal fluctuations where the battery will most often be unused for periods.

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